Dry skin in winter, cracked skin in winter. How to deal with it so that the skin remains moist and healthy, making everyone jealous. Let’s follow the good tips that we want to share with each other.
After facing the hot weather for a long time, as the end of the year approaches, many women may feel refreshed with the cool air because of the cold wind blowing through. But did you know that the temperature drops during winter also causes the moisture in women’s skin to decrease as well? This is considered an important cause of dry, cracked, flaky skin and itching.
1. Drink water to moisturize your skin.
When you start to feel that your skin is dry, flaky, and itchy, don’t ignore it. You should drink enough water each day to meet your needs so that the สมัคร ufabet water can restore dry skin from loss of moisture, helping your skin to regain its moisture as before. In addition, you can drink warm drinks such as warm water mixed with lemon, hot cocoa, or hot tea frequently during the winter. This is another way to nourish your skin and make it feel fresh from the inside.
2. Eat vegetables and fruits with high water content.
Do you know that eating vegetables and fruits with high water content, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, apples, oranges, kiwis, watermelons, and cantaloupes, is another way to restore moisture to dry skin? Because these juicy vegetables and fruits contain important nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin C and antioxidants, which will help nourish your skin to be radiant and look healthier.
3. Avoid taking long hot showers.
Do you know that taking long hot showers is one of the causes of skin losing moisture, just as much as going outside in the cold wind? Because taking a shower at a high temperature, the more moisture is drawn out of the skin. Moreover, the natural oils in our skin will be removed, making it easier for our skin to become dry. It would be better for you, ladies, to avoid taking long hot showers during the winter.
4. Apply moisturizer or lotion to nourish dry, cracked skin.
Skin exposed to cold wind for a long time will become dry, flaky, and itchy. Ladies should nourish their skin with moisturizer rich in collagen or natural extracts such as mineral water, lavender, and chamomile. Applying it regularly every day will help relieve dry, itchy skin and help restore the skin of ladies to be full of water and soft and touchable.
5. DIY moisturizing face mask.
Girls’ faces that are exposed to cold winds need to be moisturized. Girls can easily make a nourishing face mask by mixing 2 egg yolks with 3-4 drops of olive oil. Mix well and apply to the face for about 20 minutes, then rinse off. Do this twice a week. Egg yolks, which are rich in vitamins A and lecithin, and olive oil, which is rich in vitamins E, K, and antioxidants, will help nourish the skin and treat dry skin, making it smooth, soft, and touchable again.
6. Dry, flaky lips, deal with it with lip balm.
During the winter, girls will notice that their lips tend to be dry and flaky, looking unsightly. The cause is that the outermost layer of the epidermis loses moisture from being exposed to cold air for a long time. Therefore, girls should nourish it by applying lip balm regularly every day. As for dry, flaky epidermis, it can be gently removed by using a toothbrush to gently rub it, which will help girls’ lips become smooth again.
7. Nourish dry, cracked heels by applying a nourishing cream.
If girls have a problem with dry, cracked heels with deep grooves, there is an easy way to take care of it. Apply a nourishing cream, such as applying grease made from petroleum or vegetable oil, applying olive oil, or applying Vaseline, and wearing socks to sleep every night. This will help nourish the skin on the heels and heal the dryness and cracking within a short period of time.
8. Avoid wearing clothes that irritate the skin.
In winter, women should avoid clothes that may irritate and cause dry, cracked skin, such as clothes made from wool or clothes that contain chemicals during the manufacturing process. Instead, wear clothes made from natural fibers, such as cotton, linen, or silk, that are breathable and comfortable to wear. Then, wear a sweater over them. This will help protect women’s skin from irritation during dry, cracked skin.