7 ways to take care of yourself to be healthy Far away from various diseases

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Taking care of yourself to be healthy is an important thing that cannot be overlooked. Especially in an era where there are many germs like this. because if your body is weak It will make you vulnerable to getting sick with various diseases easily, so let’s take care of yourself to be healthy with the following 7 methods.

7 ways to take care of yourself to be healthy Far away from various diseases

1. Eat food from all 5 food groups.
Eating food in all categories is the most necessary thing for the body. because it will increase strength and strengthen the immune system as well Especially vitamins and minerals obtained from fruits and vegetables. So check to see if you have eaten all 5 food groups today or not.

2. mainly eat rice
Try to eat rice at every meal. You may switch from plain white rice to brown rice. some riceberry so that the body receives enough vitamins from rice If anyone is on a UFABET diet, then reduce the amount of rice less instead. But do not starve at all.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables
Eating fruits according to nutritional principles is eating enough rice. enough protein And focus on a lot of fruits and vegetables so that the body gets enough vitamins in fruits and vegetables. It also contains fiber that will help cleanse the intestines, causing constipation or intestinal absorption of waste. which may result in a weak body

4. Eat fish Fish
is considered a good protein food that is easily digested and nutrients are therefore absorbed more easily than other types of meat. And eating sea fish also helps the body get essential fatty acids that exist only in sea fish. make the body stronger as well Powered By 00:09/02:00

5. Drink milk regularly.
Calcium in milk helps nourish bones and also helps in the prevention of osteoporosis in the elderly. By drinking milk in each age is different, for example, in children, they can drink 1-4 glasses a day, in adolescence, there may be only 3 glasses, and when reaching old age, it may be reduced to 1 glass a day and must be supplemented. with calcium from other sources as well

6. Eat bland, prolong life.
Refraining from eating spicy food will help the body not have to work hard. Especially the organs that have to perform various blood filtration functions. This will allow those organs to rest as well.

7. Exercise every day.
Exercise helps your heart to work at its best. Able to pump blood to different parts very well and when oxygenated blood flows to different points Of the body, the cells will perform their own functions better. Whether it’s repairing or strengthening the immune system.

So if you want to have a healthy body and far from various diseases. You have to take good care of your own body. Whether it’s diet or exercise. should be controlled as a daily routine