4 simple ways to reduce “belly fat” that really works

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belly fat or fat around the waist. It may be caused by many factors such as genetics, hormones, eating habits. Having a large amount of fat in the abdomen can lead to various diseases that are dangerous to health. Such as hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer. Which may reduce belly fat by modifying it. Eating behavior and keep exercising regularly

4 simple ways to reduce "belly fat" that really works

What is belly fat?

Abdominal fat is fat that accumulates under the skin around the abdomen. Or sometimes called belly It can happen to all genders and ages. Not even those who are underweight. Having too much belly fat can have a negative effect on your physical health. lead to various chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease

Abdominal fat can be measured by waist circumference. For men, it should not exceed 36 inches or 90 centimeters and for women. It should not exceed 32 inches or 80 centimeters if there is a waist circumference greater than that. May be at risk of abdominal obesity

What causes belly fat?

Causes of abdominal fat may come from the following UFABET factors.

  • Heredity if a family member is obese or overweight May be more likely to have belly fat or abdominal obesity
  • stress when stressed The body releases the hormone cortisol (Cortisol) or stress hormone. which may affect the metabolic system Because stress has a direct effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands. May cause the metabolic system to not work fully. and may result in eating more to relieve stress This may be a factor that causes fat to accumulate and become belly fat.
  • eating behavior Eating unhealthy foods, such as foods that are high in sugar Foods that are high in fat and sugary drinks can result in fat accumulation in the abdomen. Because these foods may interfere with the metabolism of fat. This may be one of the causes of belly fat. Including eating foods that contain more calories than the body needs in 1 day, the energy that should be received each day for men is about 2,000 kilocalories and women should receive about 1,600 kilocalories of energy per day. Lori
  • inactivity If you eat more energy than your body needs each day. and refuse to exercise May cause excess fat to accumulate as belly fat.

how to reduce belly fat

Tips for reducing belly fat can be done in the following ways.

  1. Modify eating behavior by balancing food in each meal In which each meal should contain nutrition from 5 food groups and should eat useful foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, low-fat protein. Foods that are high in fiber, but avoid processed foods, snacks, foods that are high in fat and sugar.
  2. Exercise Exercise may help your body burn belly fat. You should exercise at a light level, such as running, swimming, cycling, and then gradually increase the level as your body begins to adapt. Or specific exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups to help tighten the abdominal muscles. and exercise at least 30 minutes/day
  3. manage stress Since stress can affect the metabolism, therefore, find ways to relieve stress such as listening to music, watching movies, meditating, traveling.
  4. get enough sleep Because the body produces the hormone melatonin that may produce metabolites while sleeping, so sleeping at least 6-7 hours/day may help your body burn calories well.